......................Welcome to Martin Wing!.................... |
Come and view videos about learning to fly a Martin Wing |
Welcome to Martin Wing!
The highest in performance of foam wings.
Do you love the outdoors? Would you like to learn about Mother Nature's Ocean Of Air we all live at the bottom of? Do you enjoy watching birds soar (fly)? Would you like to experience the feeling of flying, the feeling those birds feel, with your feet firmly planted on the ground? You can-by owning a Martin Wing.
You will love RC Glider flying, and because the Martin Wing is built of foam you won't have to worry about being a beginner, weeks or months of building time, large expense, or loads of down time for repairs like conventional balsa models.
Other than the elevons (control surfaces) the Martin is constructed of durable foam. It arrives as two wing halves that are easily glued together. The cutouts that are necessary for the electronics, throw-launch hole, control wire sleeving and the 42" carbon fiber spar are all completed for you. The assembly manual is pictures with captions which makes building your Martin easy and rewarding. ( See examples on the Wing Assembly Page).
The Martin is built so that even if it falls out of a 60 foot tree it would simply take a piece of tape to ready it for flying again.
Thanks to Doug Martin you can feel what its like to soar like an eagle from a field, small hill or a mountain top in the lightest conditions. Your Martin Wings performance will allow you to out thermal, out glide, out sink any other foam wing and if that doesn't matter to you...... just have fun!
............................. MARTIN WINGS GOAL ..................... |
My goal is to teach the general public, especially children, about the ocean of air we live at the bottom of in relation to flight.
I'm, along with the help of other people, am working on what I call an Interactive Game Concept. Your child receives a game they can play on their computer. This game teaches them basic micro meteorology, the concept of flight, air speed, ground speed, about soaring, etc all in relation to learning to fly a model glider, in this case a Martin Wing. When they complete the game they would receive a kit containing that glider, and would know how to build it. More important they would have learned through playing the game about the ocean of air we live at the bottom of and how to fly/soar their Martin Wing.
Martin Wing is the first step towards this goal.
My name is George Ferris. I have many years of hang gliding experience. Back in the 1970's I worked for a company called Sky Sports (Hang Gliding Manufacturer) owned by Ed Vicke ry. Ed previously worked for NASA along side Frances Rogallo, father of hang gliding.
I worked in the design department as a builder, and test pilot in New Hampshire for Terry Sweeny. Some of you remember the Kestrel- Sirocco.
I have flown in all types of conditions and have soared most every type of terrain. I have hours of experience soaring small hills, dunes, mountains, desert, ocean cliffs, flat lands, XC, you name it, here in the US and other countries. Over the years I have learned much about the ocean of air that we live at the bottom of and want to pass this knowledge on.
NOTE: to beginner Hang Glider & Para glider pilots:
If you want to become a proficient pilot you need to stop thinking of yourself as flying your glider and start thinking of your wing as a extension of yourself.
If you want to advance your understanding of the ocean of air we live in and become a better pilot, flying a Martin Wing will help you achieve this. When you can't make it out to the hill or tow park to fly, owning a Martin will allow you to get some air time anyway. As all top pilots know- the more air time you accrue the better pilot you will become.